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Double Your L/C!
  • Double Your Listening Comprehension has been developed as part of the second project of Cocurea Creative.
  • This dictation game is intended to help English learners improve listening comprehansion.
  • For any learners or even native speakers of English, dictating the exact script for a sound clip requires a great deal of concentration and short-term memory, in addition to extensive background knowledge surrounding the topic.
  • For elementary to intermediate learners, even deciding the beginning and the end of a sentence block from the sound clip being played will not be easy. For that reason, we provide sound clipis divided into several portions of one or two sentence(s) each.
  • Listening dictation is like running while pulling a tire. In other words, it is a hard training or mental excercise.
  • Regular practice makes the perfection. Once you are accustomed to playing this game regularly, you will see no other method so effective as dictation in terms of listening comprension improvement.
  • We have chosen news clips as listening materials because they are current standard English. Keeping up with current affairs itself is also educational and fun.
  • Even though we do our best, keep in mind that the suggested answer cannot be 100% correct.
  • We recommend you to improve your pronunciation and speaking skills by recording and comparing your own voice with that of the sound clips. Most operating systems include a sound recorder. For that fact and security reasons, we haven't included the recording feature.
  • Little tips for beginners:
    • Try to catch the main topic at first,
    • Summarize the topic in your own terms,
    • Don't spend too much time at one sitting,
    • Don't be concerned too much about spellings,
    • And, most of all, play this regularly. Say, 30 minutes a day.
System Requirements
  • High speed Internet connection:
    • When you load the game, up to 15 MB of sound clips and program files will be downloaded.
    • So, you may have to wait unbearable amount of time without fast connection.
  • Big enough main memory:
    • To load up to 15 MB of files, you will need to have reasonally big enough free space in your main memory.
    • 125MB RAM will suffice most of the time.
  • We obtained raw sound clips through www.cbsnews.com and www.bbc.co.uk.
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